Holiday Recap

I am back from my holiday festivities! Since most of my friends are out of town this year, I spent most of my holidays with family eating and cooking. Here are some pictures:

I baked a turkey for my aunts Christmas dinner but I forgot to take a picture. It turned out great though, brining the turkey made it succulent!

{Christmas dinner #1 featuring my turkey and food made by my uncle}

Christmas dinner #2 was held at my Grandma’s house. Christmas also marks my grandma’s birthday, so we celebrated both occasions. For the dinner, I made snicker doodle cookies and cheated by using a box mix. It didn’t turn out very good, so next time I’ll stick to baking from scratch

{Snicker doodle cookies}

{Christmas dinner #2 featuring Chinese food and sushi}

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I’ve been sick the past week, hence the lack of posts. Being sick during the holiday sucks. It is almost Christmas and I haven’t done much Christmas things, such as going to the Christmas Market. I did manage to go to my cousins house and make dessert for a Christmas party on the following day. Here’s some pictures I snapped:

{My cousin’s Christmas tree}

{Cheesecake cookie I made, I used this recipe}

{Yuki laying on my jacket :P}

Happy Holidays!

Post Exam

Exams are finally over which means I can relax and enjoy the holidays. I celebrated end-of-exams with S.A.W at Ebisu, here are some pictures:

{Drinks: Long Island Ice Tea & I forgot the name of the other drink}

{My first time trying raw oysters!}

{Creme Brulee Cheesecake}

{Festive lights adorning the trees on Robson Street}

Thanks for reading 🙂


Exam Cravings

Three exams down and have one more to go. I cannot wait to finish my last one and have a break. I don’t know about you, but during exam time, I get cravings for junk food and end up consuming too much of it. What can I say? Our body craves junk food when we are stressed. I was looking through my photo library and came across this photo I took in LA:

I am not a big fan of burgers or fast food, but I really enjoyed the burger at In-N-Out. Looking at this picture makes me crave some, too bad I’m no where near one. I should be studying, but instead I’m thinking about other things; how typical of me. Anyhow, thanks for reading and have a good day! 🙂

Baker’s Market [2012]

If you know me, you know I love sweets. After my first experience with the Baker’s Market last year (read post here), I was excited to go again this year. After a month of non-stop group projects and studying, I was finally able to find one Saturday to check it out. December 8th marks the last day for the Baker’s Market, so I recommend you go check it out before it ends!

Since it’s December, many of the vendors had Christmas themed goodies. Most of the vendors give out free sample, so feel free to ask for some. I apologize for some of the photos; I rushed taking many of the photos

{This stall had many delectable looking sweets including cannele’s . The lady working there was also extremely friendly and offered us samples}


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School’s Out

The semester is finally over but now I, have to endure another two weeks of exams. I feel like I just finished writing midterms and papers but now I have to write exams. Anyways, here’s a collection of pictures from my phone of what I’ve been up to (mostly eating) lately:

{Made chicken noodle soup with Kale a few weeks back}

{Ome rice from Marulilu}

{Jerk Chicken Quesadilla from The Reef}

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