My Week In Photos

The weather in Vancouver has been bipolar lately. Last week the weather was like summer but this week, it returned to typical rainy Vancouver. On rainy days, I like to stay home and do nothing… I wish I could do that everyday but my life would be boring and meaningless. Anyways, I bought a photo editing app on my phone and since I don’t usually buy apps, I justified my purchase by using it excessively. Here is my week in photos:

{Baked Portuguese chicken on rice from Mui Garden. The food came out incredibly slow and service was bad but this dish was not bad}

{Checked out the Target in Coquitlam and bought 2 shirts}

On Friday, SAW and I watched The Great Gatsby. I read the book last summer for an English course and I loved it, but I thought the movie was average. I did however enjoy the music in the movie, especially the Lana Del Rey song!

{My outfit for my outing with SAW}

{Before the movie, we ate Korean food for lunch. Pictured above is dduk bok gee}

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Last Day of Magic

I’ve had a bad week to say the least. I spent all week stressing and working on my essay and the hot weather has produced undesirable amounts of body acne. I did however, watch Magic Mike with M yesterday and I wish I didn’t, I could have saved myself time and money. Worst part was the immature teenager sitting beside me squealed every time she saw Channing Tatum, which was many times. Enough with my ranting, I present to you some pictures I snapped during my week with my phone.

{My unsuccessful attempt at making macarons. The bottoms browned too quickly producing an overly crunchy macaron. At least they look ok}

{I really like this infinity love sign I found on Instagram}

{Oysters & chips (with a side salad) from Sockeye City Grill in Steveston}

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Vancouver’s Bipolar Weather

Vancouver’s weather has been pretty bipolar lately; one minute it’s pouring rain, then the next it’s extremely sunny. I tried to make the most of the weekend before school starts again and fortunately for me, the weather was very nice yesterday so I went biking. I also watched Seeking a Friend for the End of the World with S.A.W. and I thought the movie went a bit slow; the best part for me was the cute dog in the movie. The movie was very funny though, so I would recommend watching it if you’re into comedy.

Here’s some pictures I took with my iPhone during the weekend:

{Spotted this shirt along with a few other nice shirts at Front and Company}

{Vij’s Railway Express, one of the new food trucks in Vancouver, was at the Farmer’s Market so Es S bought and order of cassava fries and lamb kebab to try. Both were delicious!}

{Pho with Es S}

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What a Week

First week back from my vacation and I must say that Vancouver weather sucks. 5 days of sunny, warm weather in California and I come back to Vancouver with rain and cloudy skies. Isn’t it suppose to be summer? I also came home to a letter pertaining to my mom, not going to go into detail about it, but now I have to be on the watch for a psychotic lady who might be possibly stalking our house.

Here’s what I did this week:

{Indian food with Es S at Palki}

{First time getting a pedicure! (please excuse my ugly feet)}

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Instagram Weekend

Here’s some pictures of my weekend from my Instagram. Feel free to follow me @jessicayet if you want to see more pictures 😛

M and I went to our usual spot for Korean food and watched The Avengers. We watched it in 3D because the 2D show was sold out, but nonetheless, the movie was great! Also helps that Chris Evans is easy on the eyes…

My food purchases: Bel Cafe macarons, biscuit with green tea filling, meiji matcha chocolate and meiji the Earl Grey chocolate. The biscuit were disappointing, I couldn’t taste the matcha at all but the matcha chocolate was delicious! Had a strong matcha taste, definitely recommend.

Got my biked fixed and took advantage of the sunny Sunday and biked from False Creek to Granville Island. Pictured on the top right is a seafood chowder from The Whet from Granville Island.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and happy Monday!

It’s the Weekend Already?

I find that I always lose track of what day of the week it is during breaks. It feels like Friday everyday, but in reality, the week has just started. This week was spent eating (of course!), baking,shopping and watching a movie. Here are some pictures from the week:

{I baked blueberry white chocolate bran muffins– recipe coming soon}

{Decided to try this new sushi place on Hastings and got combo b: dynamite roll, yam tempura roll and cucumber roll}

{Watched Jiro Dreams of Sushi with Es S, made me crave sushi really badly}

{Hot wings from Brown’s Social House on West 4th}

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Feels Like Summer

Like mentioned in yesterday posts, this post will be about my Friday. I had my last exam on Friday and planned to go high tea with S.A.W and Bill Gate’s Daughter then watch Hunger games after.

Before high tea, I met up with S.A.W at one of my favourite stores,Front and Company on Main Street. Here’s some pictures I took while I was there:

{I spotted these rings that look a lot like YSL’s arty ring. These rings are around $20 but they seem to only carry one size though}

{ I wanted to get this magnet because I love the quote, but it was a bit pricey for a magnet}

{High Tea at Faubourgh. My first time going for high tea and I enjoyed it}

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TGIF, The Semester is Almsot Over

Spring semester is over next week, which means the frantically cramming and stressed for upcoming finals. I apologize in advance if this blog is neglected, but I’ll try to keep up with posts 🙂

Today M and I watched 21 Jump Street

The movie was hilarious and I highly recommend it if you’re into comedies. M and I’s movie experience could have been more enjoyable if we didn’t have 3 ANNOYING LG’s sitting beside us gasping and talking every time something happened to Channing Tatum. It’s a comedy, not a horror film, I don’t understand the need for exaggerated noises when you should be laughing!

Anyways, before the movie M and I went to Sala Thai for some lunch

{My lunch for today: chicken with cashews}

Here are some other photo’s from the week:

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Friday Is Forever

I haven’t done anything on a Friday for a while! For the past month and a half, my Fridays consist of studying, but I finally got a mini break today. So M and I decided we wanted to watch a movie and decided on The Descendants.

Before our movie, we went to ShuRaku for lunch:

{Bento Box consisting of green salad, assorted tempura, chicken terriyaki and rice| Spicy tuna roll}

I also did some shopping before the movie….

{Ring from Aldo}

{Ring also from Aldo}

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Weekend Randoms

Here are some random things from my week:

I’ve been too lazy to bring my camera around since it’s bulky (not as bulky compared to my dad’s Canon 20D), so I’ve been taking some quick photos with my phone. In all honesty, I think the iPhone’s camera was over hyped, it’s not as good as I expected it to be. Oh well LOL, it is better than my old Blackberries camera.

Decided to try a new app I downloaded on my phone. Went to Peaceful Restaurant last Sunday which serves mandarin food.

My dad and I shared a Pork chop with hand pulled noodles (left), Beef pancake (top right) and Xiao Long Bao’s or steamed pork buns (bottom right). Everything was delicious, definitely recommend!The steamed pork buns were so juicy, the juice squirted onto my pants lol. Apparently this restaurant was on Diner, Drive-in’s and Dives.

This dog lives on my block, so cute!

Sometimes I feel bad for it though because it’s owner makes it stay outside while the other dog (named Scruffy) gets to stay inside the house. This dog is usually asleep when I walk pass, but it was awake this time.

I can’t wait for this movie to come out, I really want to watch it!

So that’s it for this week. My weekend will be spent studying Sociology and catching up on many chapters of Criminology… so fun 😦